haskell-jp / english-help #3

@ has joined the channel
@James Haydon has joined the channel
Alexandre Prestele
@Alexandre Prestele has joined the channel
@hirofumikubo has joined the channel
Hi :wave:
Is there an appropriate channel to post a Haskell-related job opening to?
... Replies ...
@yoshitsugu has joined the channel
@yoshitsugu has joined the channel
@Moy has joined the channel
Luite Stegeman
@Luite Stegeman has joined the channel
@ has joined the channel
Viktor Kronvall
@Viktor Kronvall has joined the channel
absinthe drunker (atカフェ)
@absinthe drunker (atカフェ) has joined the channel
@CLERK has joined the channel
@ has joined the channel