haskell-jp / questions #101 at 2022-05-30 14:56:35 +0900

{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

-- {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}

module Main where

class Heap h where
  insert :: (Ord a) => h a -> a -> h a
  empty :: (Ord a) => h a
  isEmpty :: h a -> Bool
  merge :: (Ord a) => h a -> h a -> h a

-- 任意のヒープをラップして別のヒープを構成したい
data HW a = forall h. Heap h => Node a (h a) | Empty

instance Heap HW where
  empty = Empty

  isEmpty Empty = True
  isEmpty _ = False

  insert Empty a = Node a Empty
  insert (Node x h) y = if x > y then Node y (insert h x) else Node x (insert h y)

  merge Empty h = h
  merge h Empty = h
  -- 「h1 h2の型が違う」と怒られる
  merge (Node a1 h1) (Node a2 h2) = Node (if a1 > a2 then a2 else a1) (merge h1 h2)

main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn "Hello, World!"
 • Couldn't match type 'h1' with 'h'
      Expected: h a
        Actual: h1 a
      'h1' is a rigid type variable bound by
        a pattern with constructor:
          Node :: forall a (h :: * -> *). Heap h => a -> h a -> HW a,
        in an equation for 'merge'
        at app/Main.hs:29:23-32
      'h' is a rigid type variable bound by
        a pattern with constructor:
          Node :: forall a (h :: * -> *). Heap h => a -> h a -> HW a,
        in an equation for 'merge'
        at app/Main.hs:29:10-19
    • In the second argument of 'merge', namely 'h2'
      In the second argument of 'Node', namely '(merge h1 h2)'
      In the expression: Node (if a1 > a2 then a2 else a1) (merge h1 h2)
    • Relevant bindings include
        h2 :: h1 a (bound at app/Main.hs:29:31)
        h1 :: h a (bound at app/Main.hs:29:18)
29 |   merge (Node a1 h1) (Node a2 h2) = Node (if a1 > a2 then a2 else a1) (merge h1 h2)
   |                                                                                 ^^
HW にはオリジナルのヒープの型が含まれないので、h1, h2は同じヒープをラップしているかわからないので、エラーになるのだろうなと推測しています。
h1, h2は同じヒープをラップしているかわからない
そういうことですね。HWの型にもとのヒープの型を含めるようにしてはどうですか? data HW h a = Node a (h a) | Empty instance Heap h => Heap (HW h) という感じで。

-- 任意のヒープをラップして別のヒープを構成したい
data HW h a = Node a (h a) | Empty

instance Heap h => Heap (HW h) where
  empty = Empty

  isEmpty Empty = True
  isEmpty _ = False

  insert (Empty) x = Node x empty
  insert (Node x h) y = if x > y then Node y (insert h x) else Node x (insert h y)

  merge Empty h = h
  merge h Empty = h
  -- 「h1 h2の型が違う」と怒られる
  merge (Node a1 h1) (Node a2 h2) = Node (if a1 > a2 then a2 else a1) (merge h1 h2)