class FD a b | a -> b class TF a where type T a
Iden.hs:5:1: Error: Parse error Found: import Data.Char > あ :: Char あ = 'あ' 1 hint
varid → (small {small | large | digit | ' })⟨reservedid⟩
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Build profile: -w ghc-8.6.3 -O1 src/TestSpace/PolyKinds.hs:11:47: error: • Expected kind ‘* -> *’, but ‘m’ has kind ‘k -> *’ • In the first argument of ‘Functor’, namely ‘m’ In the stand-alone deriving instance for ‘Functor m => Functor (T m)’ | 11 | deriving via (ReaderT Int m) instance Functor m => Functor (T m) |
cabal new-freeze
を実行してからリトライしましたが同じエラーメッセージで失敗しました。constraints: any.base ==, any.ghc-prim ==0.5.3, any.integer-gmp ==, any.rts ==1.0, any.transformers ==
> rm cabal.project.freeze ; and ghcup set 8.6.3 ; and rm -rf dist* ; and cabal new-build ; ghcup set 8.6.4 ; and rm -rf dist* ; and cabal new-build -> 8.6.3 Error -> 8.6.4 OK > cabal new-freeze ; and ghcup set 8.6.3 ; and rm -rf dist* ; and cabal new-build ; ghcup set 8.6.4 ; and rm -rf dist* ; and cabal new-build -> 8.6.3 OK -> 8.6.4 OK