haskell-jp / general #20

問題を回避するための設定項目を作っていたのに使うのを忘れてた :sweat_smile:
直ってました :clap:
@penguin has joined the channel
@ほげやま has joined the channel
@ has joined the channel
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@kazup0n has joined the channel
[GitHub] Slack is requesting updated permissions
You’re receiving this email because the GitHub App Slack updated its permissions and is requesting additional access to your organization, haskell-jp.
GitHubのCommunity Forumにも現状これについての問い合わせはないか... こっちで聞いてもよかったかも https://github.community/t5/forums/searchpage/tab/message?advanced=false&allow_punctuation=false&q=%5BGitHub%5D%20Slack%20is%20requesting%20updated%20permissions
それはほかのSlack Workspaceを管理していてなおかつGitHubのintegrationを入れてるから、ですよね?
@niszet has joined the channel
いえ、Haskell-jp から来てるだけでした……情報量は増えてないです。
@Mokumitsu has joined the channel
@Cynthia has joined the channel
@miau has joined the channel
昨晩GitHubから詳しい返事が届きました。予想通り例の [GitHub] Slack is requesting updated permissions というメールは7/29にGitHubとSlackのintegrationに機能を追加したことによるもので、新しい機能に必要な権限をapproveするかどうか尋ねるためのものだそうです。詐欺メールじゃない!
@mazamachi has joined the channel
@tamuhey has joined the channel
@ has joined the channel
@ has joined the channel
@Dr_Radialist(KAMAKURA) has joined the channel
Kohei Yamamoto
@Kohei Yamamoto has joined the channel
@永江良一 has joined the channel
@kajitack has joined the channel
@i-kanto has joined the channel
@Maillein has joined the channel
@y_ahiru has joined the channel
@sekikano has joined the channel
Nobuyuki Tomizawa
@Nobuyuki Tomizawa has joined the channel
@zak has joined the channel
@linguini has joined the channel
@makoto0607 has joined the channel
@atsushi3r has joined the channel
@西山寛之 has joined the channel
@どんどこすすむ has joined the channel
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