haskell-jp / general #17

waves hello.
@masako lee asked if i'd be up for giving a talk in November. (November 9th?) I'm going to be flying down to India the following week, so it seems to make sense to just land in Japan and stick around Tokyo for a few days and do it in person.
Heya @fumieval. Long time no see.
Yeah, long time since the dinner in Oxford...
@ekmett Thank you for coming here! I and Japanese Haskller in this slack are so happy to know that you will come to Japan :smile:
It will be a lot easier for me to do so soon, as I'm moving to California in a couple of months. That removes several hours worth of flight time from the trip!
wow, you seem to be a movie star!
@igrep should we plan a workshop for the next month? I'd like to take whichever works better for him
@fumieval: If things are on November 9th, I can pretty much arrange to have a good chunk of the following week free if there is interest in doing a hackathon or a just a good place to hang out and write code. Let me check the exact dates I have to be somewhere afterwards.
I need to be in Bangalore by November 19th, probably a couple of days earlier than that to do things with locals and settle in.
@ekmett oh then November 9th would be better for you?
@ekmett It's the biggest Haskell conference in Japan so that would be splendid
@masako lee he's not implying that
I'm not opinionated on when and where, I was just running with the date supplied :smiley:
@ekmett Can I ask what kind of foods and drinks including alcohol do you like?
Let us move to haskell-day and continue the discussion when igrep is around
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@masako lee @ekmett Hi, I am delighted -Nov 9th happens to be my birthday :-).
hi :smile: great !! oh could you move to haskell-day channel?
I invited you!
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初心者が質問できるような場所といえば questions ですかね?
ちなみに去年オランダ・アムステルダムのCurry Onというカンファレンスに参加してきました。その時二人の東京のHaskellコミュニティで関わっている人がとても仲良くしてくれたんですが、お名前はあいにく忘れてしまっています。ここで心当たりのある方いらっしゃいますか?
@GolDDranks haskell-meetupでもきいてみますね
私のことかな?去年 CurryOn に参加しました。もうひとり東京在住のアメリカ人が同行してました。