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とは何のことですか。Could not find module 'Data.Attoparsec.Text'
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Attoparsec.Text hiding (take) main :: IO () main = do print $ parse decimal "1000"
Maybe Int
のような型から`Int` 型を取り出すことは可能なのかお聞きしたいです。type A<T> = { a: T } type B<F> = { b: F } type C = A<B<number>> type GetT<AA extends A<any>> = AA extends A<infer T> ? T : never type GetF<BB extends B<any>> = BB extends B<infer F> ? F : never type D = GetF<GetT<C>> // number
import Data.Void (Void) type Imply a b = a -> b type And a b = (a, b) type Or a b = Either a b type False = Void type Not a = a -> False type Forall x a = x -> a -- xは個体変項 aは論理式 type Exists x a = (x, a)
data Element x = Group [x] | Individual x groupMached :: x => (x -> Bool) -> [x] -> [Element x] groupMached function list = ???? groupMached odd [1,4,5,1,3] -- 結果 [Group [1], Individual 4, Group [5,1,3]]
とは何のことですか。 • タプルとは何ですか。