haskell-jp / hatchobori-haskell #1

@kayhide has joined the channel
@ has joined the channel
- 禁煙
- 飲食自由
- トイレは部屋をでて -> 左 -> 右
- No Smoking
- Ok to have some light food or dring
- Bathroom is out of the room -> left -> right
@masterq has joined the channel
@trueshot86 has joined the channel
@hatayama has joined the channel
@fuuzetsu has joined the channel
@cdepillabout has joined the channel
@Yamaoka has joined the channel
@nakaji-dayo has joined the channel
@nobsun has joined the channel
@fumieval has joined the channel
@considerate has joined the channel
@ has joined the channel
@1to100pen has joined the channel

鳥元 八丁堀店

18:15 ~ カワイで予約しました。
@igrep has joined the channel
@kayhide https://github.com/haskell-jp/slack-log に追加すると、発言の記録がこのリポジトリーに残せますがいかがでしょうか?
よろしければ https://github.com/haskell-jp/slack-log/blob/ebaf8f6b538bb14c092407e443e7b0191855402e/app/Main.hs#L78-L92 のあたりに1行追加して pull request を送っていただけると! :pray:
today's my deliverables.
good domain
Today, I just wrote README... / "metasepi/idiomaticca: translate IDIOMATIC C into readable ATS" https://github.com/metasepi/idiomaticca
In English: How about adding this channel to https://github.com/haskell-jp/slack-log to save the log?
If OK, can you send a pull request to add a line here https://github.com/haskell-jp/slack-log/blob/ebaf8f6b538bb14c092407e443e7b0191855402e/app/Main.hs#L78-L92 ! :pray:
@igrep ChannelName はどこをみればわかりますでしょうか?
↑の C8KBGEBR7 とかいうものです。
@igrep PR 送りました!
マージしてバッチ実行しました :kanryo:
@igrep has left the channel
@dfordivam has joined the channel
@GolDDranks has joined the channel
@fumieval has left the channel
@ has joined the channel
@niszet has joined the channel
@hiratara has joined the channel
@ has joined the channel
@CLERK has joined the channel