haskell-jp / general #18

Haskell Day 2019のテーマを決めるアンケートを作成しました。
期限はゴールデンウィークも超えて **来月12日朝** まで致します。ご回答よろしくお願いします!hask(_ _)eller
Markdownと違ってSlackの太字はアスタリスク1個で良かったと思います。 も超えて *来月12日朝* まで こんな感じ
@atsushi130 has joined the channel
@Synm has joined the channel
@qryxip has joined the channel
@shiratori has joined the channel
:point_up: たびたびすみません、こちら明日8時ぐらいに私が確認するまでとなっております! :bow:
遅くなりましたがこちら先ほど回答を締め切りました! :lock:

"Beyond Functional Programming"を今年のHaskell Day 2019のテーマとしたいと思います!
みなさんご回答ありがとうございました! hask(_ _)eller
@nobv has joined the channel
@tak. has joined the channel
@sachiotomita has joined the channel
@ has joined the channel
@maguhiro has joined the channel
このWorkspaceと関係のない話で済みません。が、Haskell-jpとして重要なのでこちらに流します。 :bow:
昨日公開した https://techplay.jp/event/727059 について、スポンサーとなっていただける企業の方はいらっしゃいますでしょうか?
@edochan5 has joined the channel
Taichi Ishikawa
@Taichi Ishikawa has joined the channel
@ has joined the channel
@atled has joined the channel
@acoman has joined the channel
Hiromi ISHII / mr_konn
@Hiromi ISHII / mr_konn has joined the channel
@kazuokiriyama_ has joined the channel
@t_x_cxjp has joined the channel
@kazasiki has joined the channel
@shsato has joined the channel
@moatom has joined the channel
@hakukotsu has joined the channel
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@にしたに has joined the channel
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@c000 has joined the channel
@tsuzuki has joined the channel
@Nori Hayashi has joined the channel
@honda has joined the channel
@kamo has joined the channel
@ has joined the channel
Masako Shinomiya
@Masako Shinomiya has joined the channel
@s_tomita has joined the channel